List of courses available to exchange students - 2024 / 2025

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If you want to view courses by semester, you can sort them by letter A, B or C in the column Semester. Semester A courses will run from September to December, semester B courses from January to April. Semester C courses will be available in semester A and semester B.
You can also make a search with the box located on the right hand side.

Please note, undergraduate students may take graduate courses only if they can officially prove that they are required to take graduate courses. We will request undergraduate students to upload the respective proof during course registration. Graduate students can take any courses.

Level Code Name Ects Semester Language Discipline Courses
1 Undergraduate EM023M01B1 Strategic Analysis 5 B en Stratégie Amélie BOUTINOT PDF
2 Undergraduate EM023M03A1 Cases in International Marketing 5 A en Marketing Raficka HELLAL-GUENDOUZI PDF
3 Undergraduate EM023M03A2 Cases in International Marketing Group 2 5 A en Marketing Marie HENRY PDF
4 Undergraduate EM023M03A3 Cases in International Marketing Group 3 5 A en Marketing Raficka HELLAL-GUENDOUZI PDF
5 Undergraduate EM023M16A1 Strategic Brand Management 5 A en Marketing Marie HENRY PDF
6 Undergraduate EM023M16B1 Strategic Brand Management 5 B en Marketing Marie HENRY PDF
7 Undergraduate EM023M17A1 Basics in Grape and Wine Knowledge (sem A) 5 A en Autre Etienne SIPP PDF
8 Undergraduate EM023M17B1 Basics in Grape and Wine Knowledge (sem B) 5 B en Autre Ludovic HAULLER PDF
9 Undergraduate EM023M18B1 The European Single Market : Challenges and Consequences 5 B en Economie Patrick DOLLAT PDF
10 Undergraduate EM023M2GA1 Deciphering French culture - Mindsets and practices 5 A en Techniques de développement interpersonnel Stéphane DANGEL PDF
11 Undergraduate EM023M2GB1 Deciphering French culture - Mindsets and practices 5 B en Techniques de développement interpersonnel Stéphane DANGEL PDF
12 Undergraduate EM023M2HA1 Entrepreneurship and Small Business in wine business 5 A en Entrepreneuriat Coralie HALLER PDF
13 Undergraduate EM023M2JA1 - Digital Digitalisation of the wine industry - FERME 5 A en Management des systèmes d'information Coralie HALLER PDF
14 Undergraduate EM023M2KA1 Consumer Insights (intensive course) 5 B en Marketing Seongsoo (Simon) Jang PDF
15 Undergraduate EM023M2MB1 Green Finance (intensive course) 5 B en Finance Anne Drougas PDF
16 Undergraduate EM025M01 Eco-literacy and Intercultural Competence 5 A en Ressources humaines Kevin MAC GABHANN PDF
17 Undergraduate EM02EM26A1 Histoire et gastronomie (B2) 5 A fr Français langue étrangère (FLE) Steeve ROSA PDF
18 Undergraduate EM02EM28A La vie culturelle française (B1) 5 A fr Français langue étrangère (FLE) Carlos Fernando Martinez Gomez PDF
19 Undergraduate EM02EM82A1 Développer l'expression orale et écrite I (A2) Groupe 1 5 A fr Français langue étrangère (FLE) Christiane HOFF PDF
20 Undergraduate EM02EM83A1 Approfondir l'expression orale et écrite I (B1.1) Groupe 1 5 A fr Français langue étrangère (FLE) Christine DUARTE PDF
21 Undergraduate EM02EM83A2 Approfondir l'expression orale et écrite I (B1.2) Groupe 2 5 A fr Français langue étrangère (FLE) Pauline BRISACH PDF
22 Undergraduate EM02EM84A Perfectionner l'expression orale et écrite I (B2) 5 A fr Français langue étrangère (FLE) Marie-Pierre GERARD PDF
23 Undergraduate EM02EM86A1 Français des Affaires I (B1) 5 A fr Français langue étrangère (FLE) Steeve ROSA PDF
24 Undergraduate EM02EM86A2 Français des Affaires I (B2) 5 A fr Français langue étrangère (FLE) Steeve ROSA PDF
25 Undergraduate EM02EM8AA1 Complete Beginners I (A0) - Groupe 1 5 A fr Français langue étrangère (FLE) Christine DEMANGE PDF
26 Undergraduate EM02EM8AA2 Complete Beginners I (A0) Groupe 2 5 A fr Français langue étrangère (FLE) Félicie SONNET PDF
27 Undergraduate EM02EM91 Basic user: French for Beginners I (A1) - Groupe 1 5 A fr Français langue étrangère (FLE) Sandrine STEMMELEN PDF
28 Undergraduate EM02EM91A2 Basic user: French for Beginners I (A1) Groupe 2 5 A fr Français langue étrangère (FLE) Sandrine STEMMELEN PDF
29 Undergraduate EM02EMBDA1 Big Data Analytics and Artifial Intelligence 5 A en Management des systèmes d'information Samia CHEHBI GAMOURA PDF
30 Undergraduate EM02EMOP Organizational Psychology 5 A en Ressources humaines José Luis VALLEJO GARCIA PDF
31 Undergraduate EM02EMPSB1 Projets FLE en Semi-Autonomie (B1/B2/C1) 5 A fr Français langue étrangère (FLE) Pauline BRISACH PDF
32 Undergraduate EM02FM84B Perfectionner l'expression orale et écrite I (B2) 5 B fr Français langue étrangère (FLE) Marie-Pierre GERARD PDF
33 Undergraduate EM02FM86B Français des Affaires I (B1/B2) 5 B fr Français langue étrangère (FLE) Steeve ROSA PDF
34 Undergraduate EM02FM87B1 Culture & Civilisation françaises (B1/B2) 5 B fr Français langue étrangère (FLE) Jean-Christophe MEYER PDF
35 Undergraduate EM02FM92B Initiation à la langue Française II (A0) Groupe 1 5 B fr Français langue étrangère (FLE) Christine DEMANGE PDF
36 Undergraduate EM02FM98B Initiation à la langue Française II (A1) Groupe 1 5 B fr Français langue étrangère (FLE) Sandrine STEMMELEN PDF
37 Undergraduate EM02FM99B Initiation à la langue Française II (A1/A2) Groupe 1 5 B fr Français langue étrangère (FLE) Christiane HOFF PDF
38 Undergraduate EM02FMEL Eco-literacy and Intercultural Competence - SemB 5 B en Ressources humaines Kevin MAC GABHANN PDF
39 Undergraduate EM02FMPSB1 Projets FLE en Semi-Autonomie 5 B fr Français langue étrangère (FLE) Pauline BRISACH PDF
40 Undergraduate EM054M0CA1 Innovation Management 5 A en Stratégie Sophie MICHEL PDF
41 Undergraduate EM054M0CA2 Innovation Management (sem A) Gr 2 5 A en Stratégie Sophie MICHEL PDF
42 Undergraduate EM054M2JA1 Fundamentals of corporate finance (intensive course) 5 A en Finance Fergal O'Brien PDF
43 Undergraduate EM054M2NA1 Intercultural Management - gr.1 5 A en Ressources humaines José Luis VALLEJO GARCIA PDF
44 Undergraduate EM054M2WA1 Essential concepts of financial analysis Gr.1 5 A en Finance Hava ORKUT PDF
45 Undergraduate EM054M2WA2 Essential concepts in financial analysis Gr.2 5 A en Finance Hava ORKUT PDF
46 Undergraduate EM054M95A Storytelling and Self-Management 5 A en Techniques de développement interpersonnel Stéphane DANGEL PDF
47 Undergraduate EM054ME2B1 Financial Performance Analysis 5 B en Finance Tanios Kassis PDF
48 Undergraduate EM054ME5A Introduction to Investment and Financial Markets 5 A en Finance Vivien LEFEBVRE PDF
49 Undergraduate EM094M04B1 Innovation Management Gr. 1 5 B en Stratégie Renato Lago Pereira Chaves PDF
50 Undergraduate EM094M04B2 Innovation Management Gr. 2 5 B en Stratégie PDF
51 Undergraduate EM094M05B1 Principles in Leadership Gr. 1 5 B en Comportement organisationnel / Leadership Linzhuo Wang PDF
52 Undergraduate EM094M05B2 Principles in Leadership Gr. 2 5 B en Comportement organisationnel / Leadership Luca Giustiniano PDF
53 Undergraduate EM094M45 Python pour l'analyse de données financières 5 B fr Finance Vitali Shchutski PDF
54 Undergraduate EM09FM06B1 International Strategic Management 5 B en Stratégie Ksenija DJURICIC PDF
55 Undergraduate EM09FM06B2 International Strategic Management 5 B en Stratégie Ksenija DJURICIC PDF
56 Undergraduate EM09FM06B3 International Strategic Management 5 B en Stratégie Ksenija DJURICIC PDF
57 Undergraduate EM09FM07B1 Sales Techniques in International Context 5 B en Management commercial / Negociation MICHEL KLEIN PDF
58 Undergraduate EM09FM07B2 Sales Techniques in International Context 5 B en Management commercial / Negociation MICHEL KLEIN PDF
59 Undergraduate EM09FM07B3 Sales Techniques in International Context 5 B en Management commercial / Negociation MICHEL KLEIN PDF
60 Undergraduate EM09FM08B1 Investment and Financial Markets 5 B en Finance Ali ÖZDAKAK PDF
61 Undergraduate EM09FM08B2 Investment and Financial Markets 5 B en Finance Ali ÖZDAKAK PDF
62 Undergraduate EM09FM08B3 Investment and Financial Markets 5 B en Finance Ali ÖZDAKAK PDF
63 Undergraduate EM09FM11 Impact Project in a Multicultural Environment 10 C en Techniques de développement interpersonnel Didier WEHRLI PDF
64 Undergraduate EM09FM11B Impact Project in a Multicultural Environment 10 C en Techniques de développement interpersonnel Didier WEHRLI PDF
65 Undergraduate EM09GM01A1 Management des opérations 5 A fr Supply chain management Ridha DERROUICHE PDF
66 Undergraduate EM09GM01A2 Management des opérations 5 A fr Supply chain management Ridha DERROUICHE PDF
67 Undergraduate EM09GM01A3 Management des opérations 5 A fr Supply chain management Ridha DERROUICHE PDF
68 Undergraduate EM09GM02A1 Intercultural Management and Leadership 2 A en Comportement organisationnel / Leadership José Luis VALLEJO GARCIA PDF
69 Undergraduate EM09GM02A2 Intercultural Management and Leadership 2 A en Comportement organisationnel / Leadership José Luis VALLEJO GARCIA PDF
70 Undergraduate EM09GM02A3 Intercultural Management and Leadership 2 A en Comportement organisationnel / Leadership José Luis VALLEJO GARCIA PDF
71 Undergraduate EM09GM03A3 Stratégies Marketing et applications 5 A fr Marketing Claire ROEDERER PDF
72 Undergraduate EM09GM04A1 Finance d'entreprise 5 A fr Finance Marie PFIFFELMANN PDF
73 Undergraduate EM09GM04A2 Finance d'entreprise 5 A fr Finance Marie PFIFFELMANN PDF
74 Undergraduate EM09GM04A3 Finance d'entreprise 5 A fr Finance Marie PFIFFELMANN PDF
75 Undergraduate EM09GM05A1 Operations Management 2 A en Supply chain management Ridha DERROUICHE PDF
76 Undergraduate EM09GM05A2 Operations Management 2 A en Supply chain management Ridha DERROUICHE PDF
77 Undergraduate EM09GM06A1 Intercultural Management and Leadership 2 A en Comportement organisationnel / Leadership José Luis VALLEJO GARCIA PDF
78 Undergraduate EM09GM06A2 Intercultural Management and Leadership 2 A en Comportement organisationnel / Leadership José Luis VALLEJO GARCIA PDF
79 Undergraduate EM09GM14 Storytelling and Self-Management 5 A en Techniques de développement interpersonnel Stéphane DANGEL PDF
80 Undergraduate EM09GM15 Theatre & Body Language: Tools of Management 5 A en Techniques de développement interpersonnel Antje SCHUR PDF
81 Undergraduate EM09GM16 Théâtre et langage corporel 5 A fr Techniques de développement interpersonnel Régine WESTENHOEFFER PDF
82 Undergraduate EM09HM03B1 Essential Concepts in Financial Analysis 5 B en Finance Christine SERVEY PDF
83 Undergraduate EM09HM03B2 Essential Concepts in Financial Analysis 5 B en Finance Christine SERVEY PDF
84 Undergraduate EM09HM03B3 Essential Concepts in Financial Analysis 5 B en Finance Christine SERVEY PDF
85 Undergraduate EM09HM03B4 Essential Concepts in Financial Analysis 5 B en Finance Christine SERVEY PDF
86 Undergraduate EM09HM04B1 Management Control 5 B en Comptabilité / Audit Christian OTT PDF
87 Undergraduate EM09HM04B2 Management Control 5 B en Comptabilité / Audit Christian OTT PDF
88 Undergraduate EM09HM05 Derivatives 5 B en Finance Ali ÖZDAKAK PDF
89 Undergraduate EM09HM06 Fixed Income 5 B en Finance Ali ÖZDAKAK PDF
90 Undergraduate EM09HM07 Portfolio Management 5 B en Finance Jean-Loup SOULA PDF
91 Undergraduate EM09HM08 Cas pratiques de finance d'entreprise 5 B fr Finance Marie PFIFFELMANN PDF
92 Undergraduate EM09HM09B1 Principes de comptabilité approfondie 5 B fr Comptabilité / Audit Christine SERVEY PDF
93 Undergraduate EM09HM09B2 Principes de comptabilité approfondie 5 B fr Comptabilité / Audit Christine SERVEY PDF
94 Undergraduate EM09HM10 Cas pratiques de fiscalité 5 B fr Comptabilité / Audit Christine SERVEY PDF
95 Undergraduate EM09HM11B1 International Strategy 5 B en Stratégie Jean Philippe BERQUE PDF
96 Undergraduate EM09HM11B2 International Strategy 5 B en Stratégie Jean Philippe BERQUE PDF
97 Undergraduate EM09HM12B1 International Consumer Behavior 5 B en Marketing Daria PLOTKINA PDF
98 Undergraduate EM09HM12B2 International Consumer Behavior 5 B en Marketing Daria PLOTKINA PDF
99 Undergraduate EM09HM13 Digital Divide in Global World 5 B en Marketing Daria PLOTKINA PDF
100 Undergraduate EM09HM14B1 Introduction to European Economy 5 B en Economie Sila ÖCALAN-ÖZEL PDF
101 Undergraduate EM09HM14B2 Introduction to European Economy 5 B en Economie Sila ÖCALAN-ÖZEL PDF
102 Undergraduate EM09HM15B1 The Government of the European Union 5 B en Droit Patrick DOLLAT PDF
103 Undergraduate EM09HM15B2 The Government of the European Union 5 B en Droit Patrick DOLLAT PDF
104 Undergraduate EM09HM16 Études Marketing avancées 5 B fr Marketing Philippe NANOPOULOS PDF
105 Undergraduate EM09HM17 Dynamiques de consommation : comprendre pour agir 5 B fr Marketing Daria PLOTKINA PDF
106 Undergraduate EM09HM19 Nouvelles tendances en Marketing 5 B fr Marketing Claire ROEDERER PDF
107 Undergraduate EM09HM1A Sustainable Marketing 5 B en Marketing Dobromir STOYANOV PDF
108 Undergraduate EM09HM20 Ventes et Key Account Management 5 B fr Management commercial / Negociation MICHEL KLEIN PDF
109 Undergraduate EM09HM21 Marketing de l'attention et Eye Tracking 5 B fr Marketing Jean PFIFFELMANN PDF
110 Undergraduate EM09HM26 Human Resources and Socially Responsible Perspectives 5 B en Ressources humaines Aline PEREIRA PÜNDRICH PDF
111 Undergraduate EM09HM27 Comportement organisationnel et processus RH 5 B fr Ressources humaines Natalie DAVID PDF
112 Undergraduate EM09HM28 Sustainable Purchasing 5 B en Achat international Vincent Leroux Lefebvre PDF
113 Undergraduate EM09HM29 Information Systems for Business Entreprises 5 B en Management des systèmes d'information Samia CHEHBI GAMOURA PDF
114 Undergraduate EM09HM31 Business Plan et Business Model 5 B fr Entrepreneuriat Didier GRANDCLAUDE PDF
115 Undergraduate EM09HM32 Storytelling and Self-Management 5 B en Techniques de développement interpersonnel Stéphane DANGEL PDF
116 Undergraduate EM09HM33 Big Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence with Python 5 B en Méthodes quantitatives / Statistiques Samia CHEHBI GAMOURA PDF
117 Undergraduate EM09HM34 Sustainability and Efficiency in Supply Chain Management 5 B en Supply chain management Eric REINHARD PDF
118 Undergraduate EM09HM35 International Management 5 B en Stratégie Jean Philippe BERQUE PDF
119 Undergraduate EM09HM36 Communication 5 B fr Marketing Sophie Javoy PDF
120 Undergraduate EM09HM38 Nudge et Marketing social 5 B fr Marketing Philippe NANOPOULOS PDF
121 Undergraduate EM09HM40 Technology and Management of Information Systems 5 B en Management des systèmes d'information Dzmitry KUCHARAVY PDF
122 Undergraduate EM09HM41 Theatre & Body Language: Tools of Management 5 B en Techniques de développement interpersonnel Antje SCHUR PDF
123 Undergraduate EM09HM42 Théorie des jeux 5 B fr Economie Nicolas EBER PDF
124 Undergraduate EM09HM43 Théâtre et langage corporel 5 B fr Techniques de développement interpersonnel Régine WESTENHOEFFER PDF
125 Undergraduate EM09HM44 Fintechs 5 B en Finance Ali ÖZDAKAK PDF
126 Undergraduate EM165M16A1 Business Game: Managing your growth 5 A en Stratégie Pierre-François LELAURAIN PDF
127 Undergraduate EM165M17A1 Sustainable Global wine business 5 A en Stratégie Coralie HALLER - Juan Lo Bello PDF
128 Undergraduate EM165M19 Basics in Entrepreneurship 5 B en Entrepreneuriat Ksenija DJURICIC PDF
129 Undergraduate EM165M19A1 Basics in Entrepreneurship sem A Gr.1 5 A en Entrepreneuriat Pietro BELTRAMELLO PDF
130 Undergraduate EM165M19B1 Basics in Entrepreneurship (sem B) 5 B en Entrepreneuriat Ksenija DJURICIC PDF
131 Undergraduate EM165M23A1 Global Business Negotiation 5 A en Management commercial / Negociation Hicham EL MOUKTAFI PDF
132 Undergraduate EM165M36B1 Leadership & Influence 5 B en Comportement organisationnel / Leadership Jean Philippe BERQUE PDF
133 Undergraduate EM165M8AA1 Marketing durable 5 A fr Marketing Dobromir STOYANOV PDF
134 Undergraduate EM165M9AA1 Retail marketing & logistic (sem A) 5 A en Marketing Dobromir STOYANOV PDF
135 Undergraduate EM165M9AB1 Retail marketing & logistic (sem B) 5 B en Marketing Dobromir STOYANOV PDF
136 Undergraduate EM1F4M3AA11 International Strategy gr1 5 A en Stratégie Jean Philippe BERQUE PDF
137 Undergraduate EM1F4M3AA12 International Strategy gr2 5 A en Stratégie Jean Philippe BERQUE PDF
138 Undergraduate EM1F4M41A1 Introduction to European Economic Policy 5 A en Business in Europe Sabine MENU PDF
139 Undergraduate EM1F4M41A3 Introduction to European Economic Policy (sem A) Gr 3 5 A en Business in Europe Sabine MENU PDF
140 Undergraduate EM1F4M41B1 Introduction to European Economic Policy (sem B) 5 B en Economie Sabine MENU PDF
141 Undergraduate EM1F4M43A1 Basics in Strategy 5 A en Stratégie Amélie BOUTINOT PDF
142 Undergraduate EM1F4M44B Basics in Supply Chain Management 5 B en Supply chain management Dzmitry KUCHARAVY PDF
143 Undergraduate EM1F4M48A1 Theatre and Body Language: Tools of Management - FERME 5 A en Techniques de développement interpersonnel Antje SCHUR PDF
144 Undergraduate EM1F4M48B1 Theatre and Body Language: Tools of Management 5 B en Techniques de développement interpersonnel Antje SCHUR PDF
145 Undergraduate EM1F4M4AA Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Challenges 5 A en Entrepreneuriat Cédric BISCHETTI PDF
146 Undergraduate EM1F4M4EB1 Strategic Management in a Global business context 5 B en Stratégie Amélie BOUTINOT PDF
147 Undergraduate EM1F4M51B1 Principle in International Team Management 5 B en Ressources humaines Hélène LANGINIER PDF
148 Undergraduate EM1F4M54B1 Strategic Decisions in Marketing 5 B en Marketing Raficka HELLAL-GUENDOUZI PDF
149 Undergraduate EM1F4M55A1 Economy of Happiness gr.1 5 A en Economie Francis MUNIER PDF
150 Undergraduate EM1F4M55A2 Economy of Happiness gr.2 5 A en Economie Francis MUNIER PDF
151 Undergraduate EM1F4M56B Leadership & HRM 5 B en Ressources humaines Natalie DAVID PDF
152 Undergraduate EM1F4M57A1 Ethics and Management (intensive course) 5 A en Ressources humaines PDF
153 Undergraduate EM1F4M57B Ethics and Management 5 B en Comportement organisationnel / Leadership Aline PEREIRA PÜNDRICH PDF
154 Undergraduate EM1F4M61A1 International and European Business Law 5 A en Droit Alexandrina SOLDATENKO PDF
155 Undergraduate EM1F4M62A1 Business Negotiation 5 A en Comportement organisationnel / Leadership Jean Philippe BERQUE PDF
156 Undergraduate EM1F4M62A3 Business Negotiation Gr 3 5 A en Comportement organisationnel / Leadership Jean Philippe BERQUE PDF
157 Undergraduate EM1F4M63A Organizational Psychology 5 A en Comportement organisationnel / Leadership José Luis VALLEJO GARCIA PDF
158 Undergraduate EM1F4U62A4 Business Negotiation Gr 4 - FERME 5 A en Management commercial / Negociation Jean Philippe BERQUE PDF
159 Graduate EM1F5M26A1 International Business Expertise 5 A en Stratégie Stéphano VACHER - José Luis VALLEJO GARCIA PDF
160 Graduate EM1F5M26A2 International Business Expertise 5 A en Stratégie Stéphano VACHER - José Luis VALLEJO GARCIA PDF
161 Graduate EM1F5M2AA1 International Finance 5 A en Finance Ali ÖZDAKAK PDF
162 Graduate EM1F5M2AA2 International Finance 5 A en Finance Ali ÖZDAKAK PDF
163 Graduate EM1F5M2BA1 International Marketing: Catching the Growth Wave in Emerging Countries 5 A en Marketing Claude CHAILAN PDF
164 Graduate EM1F5M2BA2 International Marketing: Catching the Growth Wave in Emerging Countries 5 A en Marketing Claude CHAILAN PDF
165 Graduate EM1F5M47A1 International Soft Skills Essentials 5 A en Techniques de développement interpersonnel Hélène LANGINIER - Delphine THEURELLE-STEIN PDF
166 Graduate EM1F5M47A2 International Soft Skills Essentials 5 A en Techniques de développement interpersonnel Hélène LANGINIER - Delphine THEURELLE-STEIN PDF
167 Graduate EM1F5M81 Digital Marketing 5 B en Marketing Daria PLOTKINA PDF
168 Graduate EM1F5M82 Digitalization 5 B en Stratégie Marine CAMBEFORT PDF
169 Graduate EM1F5M83 IS and Business Models for Digital Businesses 5 B en Management des systèmes d'information Imad Haraoubia PDF
170 Graduate EM1F5M84 Digital CRM 5 B en Marketing Dobromir STOYANOV PDF
171 Graduate EM1F5MAMA1 Advanced strategic management (intensive course) 5 A en Stratégie Hector RAMIREZ PEREZ PDF
172 Graduate EM1F5MK2 Sales Management 5 B en Management commercial / Negociation Delphine THEURELLE-STEIN PDF
173 Graduate EM1F5ML2A1 International Supply Chain Management 5 B en Supply chain management Jeanne BESSOUAT PDF
174 Graduate EM1F5ML2A2 International Supply Chain Management 5 B en Supply chain management Jeanne BESSOUAT PDF
175 Graduate EM1S5M24 Learning Discoveries in Wine Marketing 5 B en Marketing PDF
176 Graduate EM1S5M27 Global Wine Markets 3 A en Stratégie Coralie HALLER - Juan Lo Bello PDF
177 Graduate EM1S5M28 Contemporary Issues in Wine Tourism : Sustainability and Resilience 5 B en Stratégie InHaeng Jung PDF
178 Graduate EM1S5M29 Technology Advances and Innovation in Wine Tourism 5 B en Management des systèmes d'information Coralie HALLER PDF
179 Undergraduate EM225M07A1 Fundamentals in Human Resource Management 5 A en Ressources humaines Delphine THEURELLE-STEIN PDF
180 Graduate EM365M17 Financial Institutions Management 3 A en Finance Marie-Hélène BROIHANNE PDF
181 Graduate EM375M24B1 Gestion de trésorerie 3 B fr Finance Marie PFIFFELMANN PDF
182 Graduate EM3E5M04 Investments 5 A en Finance Maxime MERLI PDF
183 Undergraduate EM3E5M07B1 International Financial (Risk) Management (intensive course) 5 B en Finance Mihail Busu PDF
184 Graduate EM3E5M11 Corporate Finance 5 A en Finance Marie-Hélène BROIHANNE PDF
185 Graduate EM3E5M12 Advanced International Finance 3 A en Finance Christian OTT PDF
186 Graduate EM3E5M13 Mergers and Acquisitions and LBO 2 A en Finance Ali ÖZDAKAK PDF
187 Graduate EM3E5M21 Financial Analysis 2 A en Finance Vivien LEFEBVRE PDF
188 Graduate EM3E5M31 Credit Risk Management 5 A en Finance Régis BLAZY PDF
189 Graduate EM3E5M32 Economics of Banking 3 A en Finance Laurent WEILL PDF
190 Graduate EM3E5M52 Advanced International Corporate Governance 3 B en Finance Enrico PRINZ PDF
191 Graduate EM3E5M54 Derivatives 5 B en Finance Jean-Loup SOULA PDF
192 Graduate EM3E5M55 Microfinance 2 B en Finance Régis BLAZY PDF
193 Graduate EM3E5M56 Behavioural and Experimental Finance 3 B en Finance Nicolas EBER PDF
194 Graduate EM3E5M58 Sustainable and Digital Finance 2 B en Finance SERGE BALATRE PDF
195 Graduate EM45KM13 Nouvelles tendances de consommation 5 A fr Marketing MICHEL KLEIN PDF
196 Graduate EM46LM54A1 International Business Negotiations: Bridging the Cultural Gap 5 A en Management commercial / Negociation Kevin MAC GABHANN PDF
197 Graduate EM46LM54A2 International Business Negotiations: Bridging the Cultural Gap 5 A en Management commercial / Negociation Kevin MAC GABHANN PDF
198 Undergraduate EM4LEM47A European integration history from a transnational perspective 5 A en Techniques de développement interpersonnel Sabine MENU PDF
199 Undergraduate EM4LEM49 Business Models for the decade to come 5 A en Stratégie Claude CHAILAN PDF
200 Graduate EM4R5M05 Delivering Values in the Digital Age 5 A en Marketing Adrien PITRAT PDF
201 Graduate EM4R5M06 Advanced Marketing Planning 5 B en Marketing Cedric GROSSMANN PDF
202 Graduate EM4R5M11 Data Driven Marketing 5 A en Marketing Richard HUAMAN RAMIREZ PDF
203 Graduate EM4R5M13 Consumer Behavior 5 A en Marketing PDF
204 Graduate EM4R5M23 Innovation Marketing 5 A en Marketing Claire ROEDERER PDF
205 Graduate EM4R5M24 Brand Experiences 5 B en Marketing Claire ROEDERER PDF
206 Graduate EM4R5M31 Marketing B to B 5 B en Marketing Dobromir STOYANOV PDF
207 Graduate EM4R5M32 Services Marketing and Management 5 A en Marketing Claire ROEDERER PDF
208 Graduate EM4R5M43 Marketing Team Leadership 5 B en Marketing James MOUREY JR. PDF
209 Graduate EM4R5M44 Current Issues in Marketing 5 A en Marketing Deirdre O'Loughlin PDF
210 Graduate EM4U5M43 Comportement du consommateur en ligne 0 A fr Marketing Laura HOEN PDF
211 Graduate EMBHKM11 French tourism stakeholders 0 A en Stratégie Noémie BOURZAMA PDF
212 Graduate EMBHKM12 Legal aspects of tourism industry 0 A en Droit PDF
213 Graduate EMBHKM13 Restaurant and Cellar Door Management 0 A en Stratégie PDF
214 Graduate EMBHKM14 Hospitality Management 0 A en Stratégie Jean-Michel CHAPUIS PDF
215 Graduate EMBHKM22 Tourism service experience: a marketing approach 0 A en Marketing Tony VALENTINI PDF
216 Graduate EMBHKM23 Digitalisation of the tourism industry: a lost bet? 0 A en Management des systèmes d'information Jessie PALLUD PDF
217 Graduate EMBHLM11 Contemporary issues in Agrifood Management 0 B en Stratégie Coralie HALLER PDF
218 Graduate EMBHLM12 From MICE to Bleisure: new paradigm of business tourism 0 B en Stratégie DUSAN BOROVCANIN PDF
219 Graduate EMBHLM13 Sustainable Strategies and Business Model Innovation 0 B en Entrepreneuriat Léo Paul DANA - Marc DRESSLER PDF
220 Graduate EMBHLM22 New Directions in Wine Business, Wine Tourism 0 B en Stratégie Kerstin BACH PDF
Level Code Name Ects Semester Language Discipline Courses