The European Single Market : Challenges and Consequences


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27 Hdont 3 h en E-Learning
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Ouvert aux visitants
Patrick DOLLAT

Contribution pédagogique du cours au programme

Aucune contribution pédagogique associé à ce cours pour ce programme.


Course description: This course is an advanced program on The European Economic Policies. It copes with the main fields of the EU economic integration: the internal market for people, goods, services and capital, the monetary Union, the common policies regarding competition and trade, the action of the EU at social, regional, sectoral. Teaching Method (lectures, presentations, tutoring…): On the basis the content described above, which will be, at first, presented by the professor with ppt presentations, the course will call for active participation of the student through readings and collective presentations (4 students) on a selected topic. Other information Support: - professor's course notes and slides; - researches on institutional websites...

Organisation pédagogique


- Lectures

In group

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- Discussions/debates


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Objectifs pédagogiques

Cognitive domain

A l'issue du cours, l'étudiant(e) devrait être capable de / d'...
  • - (niv. 1) define the EU Internal market and key European economic policies
  • - (niv. 1) recognize the key differences between the EU internal market, the national markets and the International market
  • - (niv. 2) discuss the necessary reforms of the European economic policies
  • - (niv. 5) appraise the interests of the EU economic policies in order to cope with the globalization.

Affective domain

A l'issue du cours, l'étudiant(e) devrait être capable de / d'...
Aucun affective domain n'a pour le moment été associé à ce cours.

Objectifs de développement durable abordés

Aucun objectif de développement durable n'a été coché.

Plan / Sommaire

Course outline: 1 – WHAT IS THE INTERNAL MARKET? FROM THE COMMON MARKET TO THE SINGLE MARKET 1. The Single Market: a Pragmatic Construction 1.1 The Treaty of Rome and the Implementation of the Common Market 1.2 The Single European Act and the Single Market: Objective 92 2. Establishing the Four Freedom 2.1 Goods 2.2 Services 2.3 Capital 2.4 People and workers 3. Implementation of the Four Freedoms and the Competition Policy 3.1 What Is the Competition Policy? 3.2 Antitrust Policy 3.3 Anti-competitive Mergers 3.4 State Aid 4. The Benefits of the Single Market 4.1 The Economic Benefits 4.2 The Practical Benefits 4.3 The Persistent Difficulties 2 - WHAT IS THE COMMON COMMERCIAL POLICY? INTRODUCTION: THE EU, A GLOBAL PLAYER • Members States and Population • Trade • Annex 1 A: Trade in goods, 1 B: Trade in services and 1C: TRIPS • Annex 2: Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes (Based on the Art. XXII and XXII GATT 1994 • Annex 3: Mechanism for Reviewing the Trade Policies of WTO Members (TPRM for Goods, Services and Intellectual property • Annex 4: Two Plurilateral Agreements on Trade in civil aircraft and on Government procurement 2 – THE DOHA ROUND 2.1 – Origin and Objectives 2.2 – EU’s Objectives 2.3 – Difficulties of the DDA process 3. – Case study: Penalty payment on Microsoft 4.1 – General presentation 4.2 – Procedure 4.3 – Sanction and appeal 4. WHAT IS THE ECONOMIC AND MONETARY UNION? INTRODUCTION: TOWARDS A SINGLE CURRENCY (1957-1992) • The first appeal for a European currency prior to the 1929 crash • The end of the Second World War: a new start • The Treaty of Rome and the Bretton Woods crisis • Creation of the European Monetary System (EMS) • Preparations for EMU 1 - IMPLEMENTATION OF THE EMU 1.1 - First stage: preliminary reforms and beginning of convergence (1 July 1990 - 31 December 1993) 1.1.1 - Free movement of capital 1.1.2 - Progressive convergence of economic policies and performances 1.2 - Second stage: preparation of the Member States for the EMU (1 January 1994 - 31 December 1998) 1.2.1 - Secondary legislation for the second stage of EMU • Reporting of planned deficits by Member States and the protocol on the excessive deficit procedure • Prohibition of privileged access to financial institutions • Prohibition on the central banks granting credit facilities to public authorities and undertakings 1.2.2. - Coordination of economic policies and economic convergence • Broad economic policy guidelines (1997) • Convergence criteria (provisions of the Treaty on European Union) 1. Price stability 2. Government finances 3. Exchange rates 4. Long-term interest rates 1.2.3 - Stability and growth pact • Objective and content 1. Resolution of the European Council on the Stability and Growth Pact 2. Surveillance of budgetary positions 3. Implementation of the excessive deficit procedure • Implementation of the pact by the Member State • GDP • Inflation • Employment 1. COMMON RULES 1.1 - COMMON RULES FOR EXPORTS 1.1.1 - Objective and Act 1.1.2 - Information and consultation procedures 1.1.3 - Protective measures 1.2 - COMMON RULES FOR IMPORTS 1.2.1. Objective and Act 1.2.2. Information and consultation procedure 1.2.3. Community investigation procedure 1.2.4. Surveillance measures and safeguards measures 1.3 – Common External Tariff (CET) 1.3.1. Principles 1.3.2. Legal Basis: art. 28 CE 1.3.3. Objective 2. COMMERCIAL DEFENCE MEASURES 2.I - ANTI-DUMPING MEASURES 2.1.1 - Objective and act 2.1.2 - Definition of dumping and dumping margin 2.1.3 - .Procedure • Injury • Initiation of proceedings • Investigations 2.1.4 - Decision • Termination of the proceeding without measures • Imposition of provisional anti-dumping duties • Imposition of definitive anti-dumping duties • Community interest, duration and review • Refund of duties 2.2 – ANTI SUBSIDY MEASURES 2.2.1 - Objective and act 2.2.2 – Definition of subsidy 2.2.3 – Countervailable subsidies and Amount 2.3 – DEFENCE AGAINST TRADE BARRIERS 2.3.1 - Objective and act 2.3.2 – Definitions 2.3.3 – Right of referral and examination procedures 2.3.4 – Adoption of commercial measures 3. THE WORLD TRADE ORGANISATION AND THE MULTILATERAL TRADE FRAMEWORK 1 – MARRAKESH FINAL ACT 1994 AND WTO AGREEMENT 1.1 – Common institutional framework and legal personality of the WTO • Ministerial conference • Council general, Dispute settlement body, Trade review body, Subsidiaries bodies • Director general and Secretariat 1.2 – Decision-making process 1.3 – Annexes containing the WTO Agreements 1.3 – Third stage: implementation of the EMU (from 1 January 1999) 1.3.1 - Identification of participating Member States and conversion rates 1.3.2 - Conversion rates 1.3.3 - Facility providing financial assistance for balances of payments 2 - ORGANISATION AND FUNCTIONING OF THE EMU 2.1 – The European Central Bank (ECB) and European System of Central bank (ESCB) 2.1.1 – General Presentation 2.1.2 – The European System of Central Bank 2.1.3 – The European Central Bank 2.3 – Economic and Finance Committee and 2.4 - 2.2.1 – Composition and Tasks 2.2.2 – Decision-making Power 2.3 – Economic Policy Committee 2.3.1 – Composition and Tasks 2.3.2 – Decision-making Power 3 – THE NEW EXCHANGE-RATE MECHANISM (ERM II)

Prérequis nécessaires

Connaissances en / Notions clés à maîtriser

- Knowledges on Economy and on the EU institutions - Skills for team works

Supports pédagogiques

Mandatory tools for the course

- Reference manuals

Documents in all formats

- Other : PPT Presentations

Moodle platform

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Additional electronic platforms

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Bibliographie recommandée

Ouvrages principaux

Salter John-Paul, The European Single Market, Agenda Publishing, 2019. Mc Cormick, John, Understanding The European Union: a concise Introduction, 7th edition, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. Nugent, Neill, The Government and Politics of the European Union, 8th edition, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. Websites:

Littérature complémentaire

Websites: [ | ] [ | ]

Travaux de recherche de l'EM : Veillez à mobiliser au moins une ressource

Peuvent être renseignés les manuels coordonnés, les traductions de manuel, les études de cas traduites etc…
Aucun ouvrage n'a été renseigné.

Modalités d'évaluation

Liste des modalités d'évaluation

Evaluation intermédiaire / contrôle continu 1Autre (date, contrôle surprise...) : -
Ecrite / individuelle / Anglais / pondération : 40 %
Evaluation intermédiaire / contrôle continu 2Autre (date, contrôle surprise...) : -
Ecrite et orale (1 min) / individuelle / Anglais / pondération : 20 %
Précisions : Class attendance and participation
Evaluation finaleDernière séance
Orale (60 min) / en groupe / Anglais / pondération : 40 %
Aucune modalité d'évaluation n'a pour le moment été attribuée à ce cours.