European integration history from a transnational perspective


Volume horaire
27 H
Nombre de places
Ouvert aux visitants
Sabine MENU

Contribution pédagogique du cours au programme

Aucune contribution pédagogique associé à ce cours pour ce programme.


The course deals with the milestones of the European integration process, from the aftermath of WW2 up to the enlargement in 2004-2007, bringing together and confronting different historical and cultural perspectives. The aim of this course is to make students reflect upon the reasons and consequences of the diversity of those perspectives across the European continent, by sharing their views and learning from each other in the frame of a virtual exchange. Students will learn more than just from their national perspective; and they will have the opportunity to co-create the content of the course by sharing their experience and by working in international teams. This course, based on experiential learning, is engaging, interactive, and student-centred: students verbally and visually exchange opinions working in small international teams in asynchronous sessions, and altogether during synchronous sessions. The course is taught together with Dr. Lucyna BLAZEJCZYK-MAJKA, associate professor at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland) and is part of the EPICUR campus course catalogue (

Organisation pédagogique


- E-learning

In group

- Oral presentations
- Projects
- Case studies/texts


- Discussions/debates


Aucun élément de cette liste n'a été coché.

Objectifs pédagogiques

Cognitive domain

A l'issue du cours, l'étudiant(e) devrait être capable de / d'...
  • - (niv. 1) acquire knowledge about the European integration process from more than just one national perspective
  • - (niv. 6) develop skills related to the creative thinking about intercultural differences

Affective domain

A l'issue du cours, l'étudiant(e) devrait être capable de / d'...
  • - (niv. 2) practice intercultural skills in an online context
  • - (niv. 3) debate about the reasons and consequences of multiple & differentiated national perceptions on the EU integration process

Objectifs de développement durable abordés

Aucun objectif de développement durable n'a été coché.

Plan / Sommaire

Each week there are 2 sessions: the first one on Monday is always asynchronous with a series of tasks to be completed on Moodle, individually or with teammates, and the second always takes place synchronously via ZOOM sessions. e.g., week 1: Monday 28 February, session opens on Moodle at 2 pm until Wednesday evening Thursday 3 March morning: ZOOM session with all the students registered from the 8 EPICUR universities. This will occur for 6 weeks, with the final session taking place on the 7 April morning.

Prérequis nécessaires

Connaissances en / Notions clés à maîtriser

There is no prerequisite to the course

Supports pédagogiques

Mandatory tools for the course

- Computer

Documents in all formats

- Newspaper articles

Moodle platform

- Upload of class documents
- Interface to submit coursework
- Coaching/mentoring


Aucun élément de cette liste n'a été coché.

Additional electronic platforms

Aucun élément de cette liste n'a été coché.

Bibliographie recommandée

Ouvrages principaux

McCormick, John, Understanding the European union, A concise introduction, any edition (the more recent the better), Palgrave MacMillan Borchardt, Klaus-Dieter, The ABC of European Union law, 2017, EU Publications office ( Martin della Torre, Victoria, Europe, a Leap Into the Unknown: A Journey Back in Time to Meet the Founders of the European Union, 2021, Peter Lang

Littérature complémentaire

Aucun ouvrage n'a été renseigné.

Travaux de recherche de l'EM : Veillez à mobiliser au moins une ressource

Peuvent être renseignés les manuels coordonnés, les traductions de manuel, les études de cas traduites etc…
Menu Sabine, Paul Collowald, une vie à dépasser les frontières, 2018, Peter Lang

Modalités d'évaluation

Liste des modalités d'évaluation

Evaluation intermédiaire / contrôle continu 1Autre (date, contrôle surprise...) : all sessions
Ecrite et orale (60 min) / individuelle / Anglais / pondération : 50 %
Précisions : Weekly participation to the tasks on Moodle followed by the discussions during the ZOOM sessions
Evaluation finaleDernière séance
Ecrite et orale (30 min) / en groupe / Anglais / pondération : 50 %
Précisions : Presentation of the final work prepared in international teams on a shared approach of one milestone of the EU integration process of your choice.
Aucune modalité d'évaluation n'a pour le moment été attribuée à ce cours.