Introduction to European Economic Policy (sem A) Gr 3
Business in Europe
Volume horaire
27 Hdont 9 h en E-Learning
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Ouvert aux visitants
Sabine MENU
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Intervenant(s) | Volume horaire CM | |
Sabine MENU | | 24 h |
Contribution pédagogique du cours au programme
Aucune contribution pédagogique associé à ce cours pour ce programme.Descriptif
The course offers an introduction to the European Union, its main institutions and aspects of the EU decision-making process; and an overview of the European economic integration process and impact on business, including the consequences of Brexit and the latest developments (recovery plan). Strasbourg is a unique place to learn about the EU as it is where the first steps of the European integration took place and it is today the official location of the European Parliament. The pedagogical objectives of this course are that students become better acquainted with the European Union’s rationale and functioning, particularly in relation to the Single market, the budget and the Economic and Monetary Union.Organisation pédagogique
- Lectures- E-learning
In group
- Exercises- Oral presentations
- Case studies/texts
- Discussions/debatesOthers
Aucun élément de cette liste n'a été coché.Objectifs pédagogiques
Cognitive domain
A l'issue du cours, l'étudiant(e) devrait être capable de / d'...- - (niv. 1) List the main stages of the European economic integration process, from the early steps until the most recent developments (Brexit, Green Deal, recovery plan)
- - (niv. 2) Review what is the EU and how it works (decisional triangle), in particular in promoting core values and economic policies
- - (niv. 3) Sketch some managerial and operational consequences of the Single market for businesses
- - (niv. 3) Prepare your work in international teams (via the forum on Moodle, class discussions, preparation & presentations of case studies), using communication and language skills in English
Affective domain
A l'issue du cours, l'étudiant(e) devrait être capable de / d'...Aucun affective domain n'a pour le moment été associé à ce cours.
Objectifs de développement durable abordés
Aucun objectif de développement durable n'a été coché.
Plan / Sommaire
Session 1 (11 September): Introduction - What is the European Union (EU)? (face-to-face session, 3 hours) Session 2 (18 September): Introduction - Why the EU? Schuman declaration and ECSC (face-to-face session, 3 hours) Session 3 (25 September): Introduction - How does the EU work? Institutions and decision-making (face-to-face session, 3 hours) Session 4 (2 October): Strasbourg at the heart of the European integration process (online asynchronous session, 3 hours) Session 5 (9 October): How to shape a Single market? Treaty of Rome & follow up (online synchronous session, 3 hours) Session 6 (16 October): How to shape a Single market? Current topics (face-to-face session, 3 hours) (semester break: week 31 October) Session 7 (6 November): Case studies on the Single market and its impact on businesses (face-to-face session including an intermediary assessment, 3 hours) Session 8 (14 November): The Economic and Monetary Union - from the early steps to the Euro-crisis (synchronous session, 3 hours) Session 9 (20 November): A new EMU in the making? (face-to-face session, 3 hours) Final examination (1 hour, 12 December at 4 pm)Prérequis nécessaires
Connaissances en / Notions clés à maîtriser
Students must show an interest in the European Union and economic integration process. If the topic is new, students are requested to read at least one book from the reference list ("basics") at the beginning of the semester. In the first session, there will be a test (not evaluated) for each student to assess his/her level and read accordingly. The course is taught in English and students will have to present their work in this communication language. Students must be ready to actively participate to the online sessions & MOODLE activities, face-to-face class discussions and exercises.Supports pédagogiques
Mandatory tools for the course
- ComputerDocuments in all formats
- Case studies/texts
Moodle platform
- Upload of class documents- Interface to submit coursework
- Assessments
Aucun élément de cette liste n'a été coché.Additional electronic platforms
Aucun élément de cette liste n'a été coché.Bibliographie recommandée
Ouvrages principaux
READING (basics) - GENERAL (this category deals with suggestions of books providing an understanding the European Integration process: if you haven't taken any course on the EU before you must, right at the beginning of the course, read one of the introductory chapters of these books or those available in the libraries in Strasbourg - e.g. BNU, PEGE or at your home university; the more recent the book the better as the EU has followed a dynamic integration process in recent years; if you have any doubt about the relevance of your book please double-check with the course coordinator) DINAN Desmond, NUGENT Neil, PATERSON William, The European union in crisis, Palgrave MacMillan, 2017 DINAN D., Ever closer Union. An Introduction to European Integration, 3rd edition, 1999 (latest edition: 4th edition (Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2010) LEONARD D., Guide to the European Union, The definitive guide to all aspects of the EU, 10th edition (London: The Economist/Profile Books, 2010) McCORMICK J, Understanding the European Union: a concise introduction, The EU series, 4th edition, 2010 BORCHARDT Klaus-Dieter, The ABC of European Union law, 2010 (Publications office of the EU) ( How the European Union works? Publications office of the EU, 2012 ( - EUROPEAN BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT SUDER G, Doing business in Europe, Sage, 2008 (PEGE) SOMERS F (ed), European business environment, Doing business in the EU, 2010, Noordhoff Uitgevers Groningen/Houten (PEGE) Chapter 15 “Business behavior in Europe’s Single Market”, in M.KATSIOLOUDES and S.HADJIDAKIS, International business: A global perspective, Elsevier, 2007 (E-book on Scholarvox) - ECONOMIC INTEGRATION IN THE CASE OF THE EU BALDWIN R, WYPLOSZ C, The economics of European integration, 6th edition (MacGraw-Hill, 2020) DE GRAUWE Paul, Economics of monetary union, Oxford University Press, 2018 VELO Dario & VELO Francesco, A social market economy and European economic monetary union, Peter Lang, 2013 SINN H-W, European monetary integration, 2004 (E-book on Scholarvox) (Chapters 1 and 2)Littérature complémentaire
Reading list: see each session (moodle)Travaux de recherche de l'EM : Veillez à mobiliser au moins une ressource
Peuvent être renseignés les manuels coordonnés, les traductions de manuel, les études de cas traduites etc…MENU Sabine, Paul Collowald: pionnier d'une Europe à unir, Bruxelles: Peter Lang (2018) (only available in French)
Modalités d'évaluation
Liste des modalités d'évaluation
Evaluation intermédiaire / contrôle continu 1Séance n° 7
Ecrite et orale (120 min) / en groupe / Anglais / pondération : 20 %
Précisions : Case studies on the Single market and its impact on businesses
Cette évaluation sert à mesurer ILO4.1-BAI, ILO4.2-BAI
Ecrite et orale (120 min) / en groupe / Anglais / pondération : 20 %
Précisions : Case studies on the Single market and its impact on businesses
Cette évaluation sert à mesurer ILO4.1-BAI, ILO4.2-BAI
Evaluation intermédiaire / contrôle continu 2Autre (date, contrôle surprise...) : all sessions
Ecrite et orale / individuelle / Anglais / pondération : 40 %
Précisions : Participation to sessions and to activities (including tasks on Moodle, exercises in class, debates)
Cette évaluation sert à mesurer ILO4.1-BAI, ILO4.2-BAI
Ecrite et orale / individuelle / Anglais / pondération : 40 %
Précisions : Participation to sessions and to activities (including tasks on Moodle, exercises in class, debates)
Cette évaluation sert à mesurer ILO4.1-BAI, ILO4.2-BAI
Evaluation finaleSemaine d'examens
Ecrite (60 min) / individuelle / Anglais / pondération : 40 %
Précisions : Multiple choice questionnaire (35 questions, multiple choice of answers to one question and only one correct answer, no minus point policy in case of mistake)
Cette évaluation sert à mesurer ILO4.1-BAI, ILO4.2-BAI
Ecrite (60 min) / individuelle / Anglais / pondération : 40 %
Précisions : Multiple choice questionnaire (35 questions, multiple choice of answers to one question and only one correct answer, no minus point policy in case of mistake)
Cette évaluation sert à mesurer ILO4.1-BAI, ILO4.2-BAI