
Global business negotiation
Volume horaire
27 H
Nombre de places
Ouvert aux visitants

Contribution pédagogique du cours au programme

LEARNING GOAL 1 : Students will master state-of-the-art knowledge and tools in management fields in general, as well as in areas specific to the specialized field of management.

Students will identify a business organization’s operational and managerial challenges in a complex and evolving environment.
Students will implement appropriate methodologies to develop appropriate solutions for business issues.
LEARNING GOAL 2 : Students will develop advanced-level managerial skills.
Students will work collaboratively in a team.
Students will participate in a decision-making process in a critical way.
Students will communicate ideas effectively, both orally and in writing, in a business context.
LEARNING GOAL 4: Students will study and work effectively in a multicultural and international environment.
Students will analyze business organizations and problems in a multicultural and international environment


To improve the negotiating performance of the Participants, this cours helps them to understand the structure underlying all business negotiations, to dentify the appropriate skills used for sales negotiations and to practice these skills in a constructive learning environment. This business negotiation course is based upon our understanding that all negotiations have an underlying structure and that there are a number of simple skills which, if developed, can lead to improved business negotiating performance. The course explores this structure and the associated skills by means of a series of short lectures and through the use of live negotiating exercises which are video recorded for later evaluation. The participants will be introduced to the business negotiation phases and shown how it can be used to manage their business negotiations in a more professional and competent manner. The negotiation phases can be used throughout the negotiating process: to help in preparing for a negotiation, during the negotiation to identify where it has reached and afterwards, to analyse a negotiation and learn lessons for the next time. It is a map of the negotiating process, not a set of commands to be applied and practised. The lecture sessions explain these phases and the skills associated with each phase. The case-play sessions allow the skills to be practised and applied in a safe environment.

Organisation pédagogique


- Lectures
- Tutorials

In group

- Exercises
- Case studies/texts


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Aucun élément de cette liste n'a été coché.

Objectifs pédagogiques

Cognitive domain

A l'issue du cours, l'étudiant(e) devrait être capable de / d'...
  • - (niv. 1) Identify When negotiating is useful
  • - (niv. 2) Explain The definition of negotiation
  • - (niv. 3) Demonstrate Negotiation skills
  • - (niv. 4) Compare Negotiation to sale
  • - (niv. 5) Synthesize The negotiation process
  • - (niv. 6) Describe The negotiation process

Affective domain

A l'issue du cours, l'étudiant(e) devrait être capable de / d'...
Aucun affective domain n'a pour le moment été associé à ce cours.

Objectifs de développement durable abordés

Aucun objectif de développement durable n'a été coché.

Plan / Sommaire

The course contains lectures, case preparation, live negotiation, tutorial case evaluation, preparation-work and discussing personal issues with the participants; a total of 20 hours of intensive business negotiation training. Specifically, the following issues are covered: * To identify negotiators profiles * To recognize when NEGOTIATING is the correct method of resolving conflict * To understand the “negotiation phases” and how to use them to MANAGE the process * To understand and practice the SKILLS associated with each step * The five major issues to be considered in PREPARATION * How to improve the quality of the ARGUE or discussion step * How to pick up SIGNALS, interpret them and act on them * How to make PROPOSALS, where to pitch proposals, how to respond to proposals * How to REPACKAGE deals without it costing any more * How to recognize NEGOTIATING OPPORTUNITIES and exploit them * How to assess concessions, analyses differing priorities and go for WIN/WIN deals * How to trade and BARGAIN, how to put a price on demands * How to improve recognition of CLOSING opportunities and use them * How to handle the AGREEMENT and implementation stages * How to make and respond to COMPLAINTS * How to make and respond to MULTIPLE-POINTED claims * How to improve LISTENING skills * How to use and defuse AGGRESSION and CONFRONTATION * How to minimize REJECTION of proposals * How to handle DEADLOCK * How to use and respond to the most common NEGOTIATING TACTICS * How and when to use ADJOURNMENTS * How to use the skills of TEAM NEGOTIATING * How to build “PARTNERSHIP RELATIONSHIPS” with clients or suppliers This is only a selection of over 100 teaching points which would normally be covered. It is impossible to list all the skills, which might be highlighted, all the tutorial points, which might be raised, all the strategies which might be discussed and all the tactics which might be reviewed on a typical course.

Prérequis nécessaires

Connaissances en / Notions clés à maîtriser

general business skills
Attend each of the course sessions and be precisely on time

Supports pédagogiques

Mandatory tools for the course

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Documents in all formats

- Case studies/texts
- Worksheets

Moodle platform

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Aucun élément de cette liste n'a été coché.

Additional electronic platforms

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Bibliographie recommandée

Ouvrages principaux

Christine Morlet is CSP certified (Certified Speaking Professional) in the USA), http://www.nsaspeaker.org/ABOUTNSA/Certification.aspx She is the first certified speaking professional by the National Speakers Association (NSA) in France.

Littérature complémentaire

Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving - Roger Fisher, William L. Ury , Bruce Patton Influence: Science and Practice (Robert B. Cialdini) Getting Past No: Negotiating in Difficult Situations (William Ury)

Travaux de recherche de l'EM : Veillez à mobiliser au moins une ressource

Peuvent être renseignés les manuels coordonnés, les traductions de manuel, les études de cas traduites etc…
Aucun ouvrage n'a été renseigné.

Modalités d'évaluation

Liste des modalités d'évaluation

Evaluation intermédiaire / contrôle continu 1
Orale / en groupe / Anglais / pondération : 50 %
Cette évaluation sert à mesurer LO2.1, LO2.2, LO2.3
Evaluation finaleDernière séance
Ecrite / individuelle / Anglais / pondération : 50 %
Cette évaluation sert à mesurer LO1.1, LO1.3, LO4.2
Aucune modalité d'évaluation n'a pour le moment été attribuée à ce cours.