
PGE 3A - International and European Business (IEB)
Volume horaire
27 H
Nombre de places
Ouvert aux visitants
Francesco Paolo DE SANCTIS

Contribution pédagogique du cours au programme

LEARNING GOAL 1 : Students will master state-of-the-art knowledge and tools in management fields in general, as well as in areas specific to the specialized field of management.

Students will identify a business organization’s operational and managerial challenges in a complex and evolving environment.
Students will understand state-of-the-art management concepts and tools and use them appropriately.
Students will implement appropriate methodologies to develop appropriate solutions for business issues.
LEARNING GOAL 2 : Students will develop advanced-level managerial skills.
Students will work collaboratively in a team.


The course aims to introduce students to the main concepts and methodologies of entrepreneurship, with a particular focus on the innovative company at the early stage (start-up). By starting with the increasing importance that European governments give to the creation of innovative companies in France and Germany, it will be necessary, against all confusion and misunderstanding today visible in this booming sector, to clarify the theoretical bases linking innovation and entrepreneurship. The lecturer will help the students to form a team on specific projects that will be determined from their own interests and all having as their common denominator their seat in Strasbourg. The constraint of the border situation will give us the need to open the project internationally, to Germany and Switzerland. By following the principle of “learning by doing” as well as the recommendations of the lean start-up (and in general all methods of implementation since the pioneering work of Sarasvathy, 2001), the course on innovative entrepreneurship will consist in "training" the teams in the constitution of a business plan. The model will be the pitch deck of Guy Kawasaki on their innovative business project.

Organisation pédagogique


- Lectures

In group

- Exercises
- Projects


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Aucun élément de cette liste n'a été coché.

Objectifs pédagogiques

Cognitive domain

A l'issue du cours, l'étudiant(e) devrait être capable de / d'...
  • - (niv. 1) Identify an innovative business organization’s operational and managerial challenges in a complex and evolving environment.
  • - (niv. 1) Describe the challenges of an innovative company, knowing the founding texts and knowing how to explain and interpret them in a relevant way.
  • - (niv. 1) Present the project according to the usual formats for start-ups (pitch deck)
  • - (niv. 2) Discuss state-of-the-art innovative entrepreneurial concepts and tools and use them appropriately.
  • - (niv. 3) Apply appropriate methodologies to develop appropriate solutions for business issues.
  • - (niv. 3) Use templates, indicators and metrics for a market research and the creation of a Minimum Viable Product
  • - (niv. 5) Plan an innovative business according to the methodologies of the lean start-up.

Affective domain

A l'issue du cours, l'étudiant(e) devrait être capable de / d'...
Aucun affective domain n'a pour le moment été associé à ce cours.

Objectifs de développement durable abordés

Aucun objectif de développement durable n'a été coché.

Plan / Sommaire

Introduction to innovative entrepreneurship 2h Schumpeter, manuel OECD The corporate manifesto How to write a mission statement for a start-up 2h The team The key-positions 1h The value proposition The value proposition canvas and the lean canvas 3h The field-based approach to the market The lean start-up loop 2h The competitors The competitive analysis 2h The business model The business model canvas 2h The border situation The international conquest of new markets 3h The financial plan The cash-flow management 4h The storytelling The pitch 2h Le pitch final The pitch deck (Guy Kawasaki) 4h

Prérequis nécessaires

Connaissances en / Notions clés à maîtriser

Knowledge of management and strategy basics.

Supports pédagogiques

Mandatory tools for the course

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Documents in all formats

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Moodle platform

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Additional electronic platforms

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Bibliographie recommandée

Ouvrages principaux

SCHUMPETER, Joseph, The Theory of Economic Development (1912), Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 2004 SCHUMPETER, Joseph, Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy (1942), London, George Allen und Unwin

Littérature complémentaire

- OSTERWALDER, Alexander, Business model generation (2010), John Wiley & Sons - KAWASAKY, Guy, Reality Check (2011), Penguin. - RIES, Eric, Lean start-up (2011), Currency - SILBERZAHN, Philippe, Effectuation (2014), Pearson

Travaux de recherche de l'EM : Veillez à mobiliser au moins une ressource

Peuvent être renseignés les manuels coordonnés, les traductions de manuel, les études de cas traduites etc…
Aucun ouvrage n'a été renseigné.

Modalités d'évaluation

Liste des modalités d'évaluation

Evaluation finaleDernière séance
Ecrite et orale (15 min) / en groupe / Anglais / pondération : 100 %
Précisions : This teaching unit is subject to a final check in oral form as a team, based on the business plan. The teacher will use an excel matrix to assess the pitch.
Cette évaluation sert à mesurer LO1.1, LO1.2, LO1.3, LO2.1
Aucune modalité d'évaluation n'a pour le moment été attribuée à ce cours.